Christmas at Home Designer eqrAveziur at PrettyScrappy.com
I just love this kit by GET Designs - the colors are so rich.
You can pick this up at Pretty Scrappy
You can pick it up for free on 4shared for 7 days only. So grab it now if you want it - and don't forget to drop me a note if you like it!
Have a great day!!
The kit is called Peaceful Journey. one week only just click on the preview and the download will begin.
Cassey Krause recently released a new kits that I just loved to work with!
The kit is called Splish Splash and if you have baby bath time photos...it's a must. For one week only just click on the preview and the download will begin.
Link has been removed..
Anne http://limescrapped.blogspot.com/
Baby Yaks http://babyyaks.blogspot.com/
Barb http://barbknits.blogspot.com/
Britt Bree http://brittneycreations.blogspot.com/
Brooke http://www.brookedesigns.blogspot.com/
Casey Krause http://prettyscrappy.blogspot.com/
Claudia http://cantinhodacindy.blogspot.com/
Creations By Rachael http://creationsbyrachael.blogspot.com/
Designs By Angel http://scrappingwithangel.blogspot.com/
Designs By Mel http://designsbymel.blogspot.com
Helen http://www.helenparker.blogspot.com/
Inspired Mommie Designs http://inspiredmommiedesigns.blogspot.com/
Jas http://jscrapbug.wordpress.com/
Jewel http://bothmadandgenius.blogspot.com/
Just Passin Thru http://justpassinthru.wordpress.com/
Kathy http://lifebydesign.typepad.com/scrapsoflife/
Kay http://grandmaspixels.blogspot.com/
Ladybug Pages http://theladybugpages.wordpress.com/
Late Night Scraps http://latenightscraps.blogspot.com/
Lynn http://themathematiciansassistant.com/
Martha http://www.awayfromthechaos.blogspot.com/
Neissa http://myscrapsofus.blogspot.com/
Scrappy Shannon http://scrappyshannon.blogspot.com
Share Your Moments Designs http://shareyourmoments.typepad.com/
Teri's Thing-O-My-Jigs http://teristhingomyjigs.blogspot.com
Wendy http://www.inkinandthinkin.typepad.com/